매년 하는 것이지만, 매번 새로운 마음으로 "우리의 목표가 무엇인가?, 무슨 수단을 통해, 어떤 메시지를 전달할 것인가?" 등등을 전년도나 경쟁사 자료를 비교해가면서 생각해보지요..
사실 한해의 계획을 짤때가 무척 재미있는 시기인 것 같습니다. 대학교때 수업도 생각나도 공모전 준비하는 거 같기도 하고요. 물론 다른 점이 있다면 결과에 따라서 일신상의 불이익이나 피곤함이 무겁게 다가온다는?^^
아래의 글이 완전히 공감되는 건 아니지만, 각 대행사의 기업철학과 성과측정구조에 따라 분명 다른 사고와 특화된 방향이 있다는 것에 자연스럽게 고개가 끄덕여 집니다.
반면으로는 각 세부줄기(파트별 대행사 및 담당 직원, 내부 직원)에서 영양분을 받아올려 하나의 멋진 꽃(PM, BM)을 피게 해줄 역할을 할 수 있는 분들이 주위에 많이 있었으면 참 좋겠다라는 욕심을 가져 봅니다. 그래야 얼른 보고 배우지요~^^
소개해준 분 : junicap
출처 : http://www.webinknow.com/2009/07/ad-agency-vs-pr-agency-turf-wars-pass-the-beer-and-peanuts.html
Ad agency vs. PR agency turf wars! Pass the beer and peanuts!
Over the past year, I've had hundreds of opportunities to speak with people who work in the marketing and PR departments of large organizations about their online marketing and social media initiatives.
In discussing challenges, many marketers bring up their agency partners. They really do want to work with their existing agencies to help them with social media and online marketing. Honest, they do.
But when they discuss agencies, I typically see shrugging of shoulders in bewilderment or rolling of eyes or shaking their heads in disgust when it comes to the social media savvy quotient of their agency staffers.
On the one hand, many organizations need help and don’t know where to turn. On the other, agencies are there with proposals in hand, trotting out their self-proclaimed experts. That's all fine and dandy.
But where it really gets interesting is when the incumbent PR agency wants the social media business and the incumbent Ad agency wants the social media business. They have a big family meeting in a conference room and the agencies start sniping at one another like they are fighting over Aunt Hattie's inheritance. I've witnessed this a few times. Of course it is all very polite, but frequently a brawl ensues.
What fun! Pass the beer and peanuts!
In pitch meetings, the PR agency staffers and Ad agency staffers are quite adept at giving one another backhanded complements. But the truth is that legacies of both businesses don't translate that well in online marketing and developing a social media strategy:
Advertising agencies are used to getting paid as a percentage of media spend. And they are very, very good at spending lots of their clients’ money to buy attention in "creative" ways. To ad agencies, "social media marketing" often means advertising on Facebook and YouTube and buying search engine ranking via Google AdWords.
Public Relations Agencies are used to getting paid on a retainer basis. And they are very, very good at spending lots of their clients' money on a team of junior staffers to beg journalists for coverage. To PR agencies, "social media marketing" often means drawing up lists of bloggers to reach out to with pitches.
Both ad agencies and PR agencies like to talk up their expertise in social media and online marketing. Frequently, this involves talking up the agency blog. But its really fun when the Agency boss points to a junior staffer to talk about her few thousand friends on Facebook and Twitter and the "cutting edge, hip campaign" she recently ran for a client that got a bunch of hits on YouTube. In the pitch meeting, the senior muckety-mucks from the agency look bewildered as a twenty-something explains what they will do for the client. "Mine’s bigger," says the PR agency boss. "No, mine's bigger," says the Ad agency boss.
It's a turf war! I need another beer!
I've said it before on this blog: There is really only one question to ask your prospective social media agency. It doesn't matter if they are your existing ad agency or PR agency or a potential new agency.
Ask the prospective agency to show the agency social media presence. Ask about such things as blogs, Twitter feeds, YouTube videos, Web site(s), Facebook profiles, ebooks, and any other stuff they have.
Make it an open-ended question. This is not to say that an agency needs to do everything. But they should be out there. Then ask them how those social media initiatives drive new business to the agency.
My theory is that if an agency can't do it for themselves with success, how are they going to do it for clients?
It's interesting, that this vetting tool eliminates 95% of agencies who just plain suck at understanding social media.
I wanted to offer a few hat-tips about this topic.
Several discussions over the past week have helped me to ponder what else people might consider and how agencies might need to adapt.
Last week I had a fun lunch with Jim Cosco, Andrew Davis, and Scott Loring from Tippingpoint Labs, a digital content creation shop. Tippingpoint has an interesting social media model that uses expertise in content as its core.
Then today I spoke with Craig Macdonald, CMO at Covario, a software company building technologies for large advertisers to manage paid and organic search programs. Craig has an interesting take on how technologies can benefit really big companies especially those whose online programs run to millions of dollars involved.
Image credit: Shutterstock
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